11:43 | 08.07.20 | News | 16254

Energy-efficient technologies program continues with support of Viva-MTS

Viva-MTS and the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) continue the energy-efficient outdoor lighting systems installation in the remote settlements of Armenia.

Development of infrastructure is important both in terms of the creation of eco-villages network and equally for the purpose of mitigating the development gap between the country’s capital and rural areas.

Energy-efficient technologies were installed in the Hermon, a settlement in Vayots Dzor region, two years ago. The number of illuminated streets has been increased this year. The introduction of this modern infrastructure has been carried out in stages. With the first project, 33 LED lights were installed and a kilometer-long street was illuminated. As a result, we resolved an issue which the settlement had been facing for some 27 years, ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the second project, 23 LED lights were installed; Hermon now has 55 LED lights. This energy-efficient lighting system allows illumination of around 2 kilometer-long territory, encompassing the main streets in the settlement. 

Due to the current situation, the parties to the project were unable to be present at the launching of the new system, but a poll has some interesting details about what the locals think of the system. 
As a rule the local administrations are the first to evaluate the efficiency of the modern system, underlining the reduction of expensed and budget savings. This is an important indicator for the villagers, for they know the savings can be steered to solving other problems. The residents of Hermon shared their opinions and insights of the positive impact of the program.

The small farm owners stated that there was a noticeable increase in activity and initiatives in the village. The lighting system contributed to the safe nightlife and reduced the number of bear attacks on beehives.

Environment-friendly and energy-efficient LED lamps consume 80% less electricity and serve up to 50 times longer.