15:34 | 16.04.20 | News | 26220

Ara Khachatryan is new CEO of Ucom

The major shareholders of Ucom have announced the appointment of new Director General, also presenting the corresponding document along with the statement.

The statement reads:

“On 14 April 2020, taking into account the letter of resignation submitted by the former Director General, the Board of Directors convened an urgent meeting, where the members confirmed the appointment of the new Director General along with other matters.

New Director General is Ara Sergey Khachatryan, who joined Ucom as member of the Board of Directors on 25 December 2019. Below you can read the brief description of his career.

All members of the board attended the meeting, but Alexander Yesayan announced he considered it a discussion and refused to participate, which is indicated in the record.


The Board of Directors of Ucom considers it important to point out that:

According to the corporate regulations of the company, the Board of Directors has the authority to appoint and dismiss the Director General.

Taking into account the letter of resignation submitted by the former Director General, the board appointed to that position Ara Sergey Khachatryan, who took the office on April 14. According to the Armenian legislation from now on only Director General Ara Khachatryan and the people he authorizes have the right to make statements on behalf of Ucom.

Information about further actions by the company will be provided by the new Director General.”

Ara Khachatryan graduated from the Yerevan State University with Bachelor’s degree in economic science. He earned his Master’s degree in London Business School and Columbia Business School (USA). He has certificates of education in international finance and management.

Ara Khachatryan has held key positions in PWC, Baker Tilly, and Path. In recent years he worked in Galaxy Group of Companies. He is a member of the Advisory Board of AUA (American University of Armenia) Extension.

Ara Khachatryan is married and has one child.