14:06 | 14.04.20 | News | 22774

    Hayk Yesayan: We will pay the highest price possible

    The Yesayan brothers, who hold 5.94% of shares in Ucom, offered to purchase the remaining shares from other shareholders (94.06%) for AMD 22,100bn.

    Hayk Yesayan has issued a statement today, which you can read below:

    “In the beginning of the negotiations, no one could imagine so many employees would submit resignation letters like we did, stating they did not want to work for a different Director General. Therefore, I feel personal responsibility to them. For that reason and for securing continuous work of the company, I have decided to pay the highest price possible, taking into account all investments in the company, made over the years. The current offer stands at AMD 34,057,000,000.

    We have submitted the offer verbally, now we are waiting for the response.

    We feel responsible for securing continuous work of the company we created, for not jeopardizing the access to distance learning, remote working and virtual communication for the citizens amid the state of emergency. As of the moment, 843 employees have submitted resignation letters. They want to leave immediately. I ask them to stay at work and support the network that is vital in these circumstances, because it maintains the entire educational and business complex.”