Alexei Miller, managing director of financial, healthcare, tourism, media and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider DataArt, paid a visit to the company’s Yerevan office in the framework of his trip to Armenia on March 9.
He has told about the company and his impressions from the trip.
I co-founded DataArt, a company whose story began 22 years ago. I live and work in New York, and this is my second visit to Yerevan.
Armenia is a place where some of the most sophisticated technology can be created, and later it can be used everywhere, so I always knew Armenia had this reputation. I have an Armenian friend, who started a company around 10 years ago, and it’s an exceptionally successful firm now.
It is called OneMarketData, it operates globally. All of their technologies are done in Armenia and everybody knows them.
DataArt operates offices in nearly two dozen different places. It’s very important for the company to operate as one. In every location, where we work, we operate as one large team.
DataArt is a company where we are building success all together. Yerevan has been part of that common success. It’s all about people. We were lucky we met some really good people. I don’t know whether we would be in Armenia if we wouldn’t meet them.
I think it’s very important to understand our place in the business - what we do is help our clients move to the future of technology. We are selling a journey from where the client is today to where they will be in the future. It requires flexibility, there are new challenges every day, and it requires curiosity. The world is very flat and opportunities are everywhere.
Narine Daneghyan talked to Alexei Miller