10:22 | 18.02.20 | Interviews | exclusive 287732

Cisco Systems’ Bremtane Moudjeb explains how to deal with cybersecurity threats

Itel.am talked with Head of Cyber Security Sales at Cisco Bremtane Moudjeb about cybersecurity trends and protection from cyber-crime during the Silicon Mountains conference, held in Yerevan.

Targets and threats

One of the major threats for 2019 was Ransomware which has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the previous few years.

Bremtane Moudjeb and Narine Daneghyan Bremtane Moudjeb and Narine Daneghyan

Crypto mining is becoming more and more present in the public sector and the banking industry.

What we have started to see more and more is cryptojacking. Definitely it will be wrapping up even further, as more and more attacks on industrial systems, IoT environments will happen.

A big trend that has started to be seen is government-led cyber-attacks. Wars from traditional world are transitioning to the remote world. We saw examples of such wars in 2019 with the participation of a number of countries I don’t want to name.

Ways to deal with cybersecurity threats

The first advice would be to get aware! Get educated about cybersecurity. You do not need to be an expert; there are just some concrete measures you need to take as an individual in order to make yourself, your family, your business, your country safe.

It can come from easy elements - from having very secure passwords or strong authentication.

You may know that today 80% of breaches in the companies are happening because of the users and their lack of education, related to cybersecurity threats.

So get educated! Start from your home, find out what devices there are in your home.

One of the biggest challenges of the previous years is the expansion of the connectivity, meaning there are more and more connected objects, but those devices are not secure. By default, they are made to be lightweight and cheap. There is a default password that users do not usually change, which is public on the Internet, and this can leverage as one easy door to access your house.

Narine Daneghyan