16:15 | 20.01.20 | News | 19256

    Russian analysts estimate the possible Ucom-VEON Armenia deal price

    Russian analysts estimate that Ucom could purchase VEON Armenia (Beeline Armenia brand) for USD 42-45 million.

    In the interview to Comnews.am, Finam analyst Leonid Delitsyn said that the company might value between USD 25 million and USD 45 million.

    Freedom Finance investment company’s analyst Alexander Osin values VEON Armenia at USD 42 million.

    According to Maksim Savvatin from iKS-Consulting, Ucom’s share in the Armenian mobile market will rise to 37% in case the deal is done. As for fixed communications, the merged company could have 400,000 voice services subscribers and 225,000 internet users.