11:16 | 04.09.19 | IT Teens | exclusive 205261

IT Teens: Nikolay, Narek and David

It’s a proven fact that love for technologies begins in childhood. Today students go to school with smartphones and do their homework on tablets.

There are many teenagers in Armenia now who not only use smartphones and tablets but also try to create something on their own - a game, an app or a program.

Itel.am continues its IT Teens series, presenting Armenian teenagers who’ve been interested in technologies since early childhood and create products in this industry.


Whiz Code Academy students Nikolay Movsisyan, Narek Badalyan and David Lanjuni have built a robot they presented at the Word Robot Olympiad Friendship Invitational Tournament (WROFIT) held in Aarhus, Denmark on August 1-4. It featured 150 teams from 33 countries.

photo © Mediamax

According to the boys, they were tasked with creating a robot that can replace old lighting bulbs with new, smart ones. The boys’ robot can take the smart bulbs from the storage room and deliver them to the required room, as well as find old bulbs and transfer them to the garbage collection area. Thus, the robot helps modernize the lighting system in the building and save energy.

David and Narek presented the robot in Aarhus. Although they did not take a prize-winning place, they returned home with great impressions, enthusiasm, new knowledge and experience. This was their first contest, and now the boys cannot wait for the next year’s task.


Nikolay Movsisyan, 12 y.o., Yerevan

I first became interested in technologies when I was 7. My parents decided to take me to the Microsoft Innovation Center to learn coding.

I studied there for 2 years, and I knew I wanted to keep learning about technologies, so I went to Whiz Code Academy. I have studied programming and robotics for 3 years here.

Our robot passes all the fields, collects the lights and allocates them in the right places, as well as removes the faulty dark ones into the bin. We constructed this robot in 1 week.

I think that I will consider programming as my future profession, and I would like to work at Microsoft in 10 years.

I would like to meet Mark Zuckerberg and ask him for advice on how to start and how to be successful in programming field.

David Lanjuni, 12 y.o., Yerevan

I got interested in programming when I first visited Whiz Code Academy. I started from scratch, and then I decided to learn design. I wish to work as a designer in the future.

As I am very interested in Youtube, I would like to meet with the executive director of that company.

Narek Badalyan, 14 y.o., Yerevan

I have been interested in tech since I was 6 years old, but I started attending classes from February this year.

photo © Mediamax

Usually you are given more than 2 months for constructing a robot. We had several versions, but the last version was the best one; it took us 1 week to make it.

Robotics and programming are my hobbies. I would like to learn programming at the American University of Armenia or become a doctor.

Ayb Educational Foundation is the only official representative of the World Robot Olympiad in Armenia and the only official organizer of the national competition. In the scope of WRO any participation of the Armenian teams in friendly and international tournaments are organized with the recommendation and consent of the Ayb Educational Foundation.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos by Emin Aristakesyan