14:33 | 12.04.19 | News | 9781

    Beeline improves conditions of Smart Business corporate packages

    Beeline announced the improvement of conditions of Smart Business tariff plans for corporate clients.

    From now on the packages will be provided with Corporate Budget service, which allows companies to monitor expenses. The employees will be able to access limitless mobile connection only by refilling their account.

    In particular, corporate and personal balance sheet will be attached to phone numbers of employees. Every month the company will pay for the expenses necessary for the business needs, while employees will cover their personal expenses using the prepaid system.

    “Beeline attaches importance to wishes of subscribers. To optimize the customers’ expenses the company has come up with another change, which will help not only corporate customers but also all those who wish to separate their personal and working expenses. I am convinced that our partners will appreciate the opportunity which will make the use of services even more convenient,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

    Smart Business tariff plans allow subscribers to monitor their packages on their own in line with the demands of their businesses and pay only for the necessary services. The offer includes limitless calls within “closed group”, as well use of main OTT services without internet tariffication.