11:45 | 19.12.18 | News | 11413

    Beeline management presents new offers within Customer Day

    Beeline Armenia has announced yet another Customer Day, within the frames of which the managers and staffers (around 70 people) from different departments will visit the company’s sale and customer care offices in different marzes for a day to communicate with subscribers.

    In total, the company’s management will visit 46 offices.

    The event was implemented within the frames of the company’s Customer Experience Improvement Program. It is aimed at improving Beeline services and making them simpler and more comfortable, based on customers’ feedback. In particular, the company’s management introduces subscribers to its COMBO offer and New Year sale of smartphones.

    “Customer Day at Beeline is a very useful and efficient tool, with which we present our services and receive feedback from our subscribers. Similar events help us improve our offers, increase the service quality, become closer to subscribers and make our services simpler and more comfortable,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin noted.