11:00 | 11.12.18 | News | 10425

Beeline provides up to 100 Mbit/s Internet in Goris

Beeline announced completion of fixed infrastructure modernization in Goris.

Owing to the new VDSL network, the city residents will be able to access 100 Mbit/s Internet. The new technology allows providing Goris residents with 20 times faster fixed Internet.

“New Internet technology, which is available in Goris, exceeds current ADSL technology and provides several times faster connection. In fact, the new speed reaches that of optical Internet. The subscribers should only connect the telephone line to the modem and enjoy ultrafast Internet opportunities. Beeline continues to modernize the infrastructure, making its services simple and convenient,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

Joining COMBO regional package, the subscribers will receive mobile connection, fixed internet and telephone connection, as well as newest BeeTV for only AMD 7990 per month.

In addition, COMBO subscribers will be able to access all public TV channels in their marzes through powerful TV receivers (without additional device) and YouTube, regardless of the TV set model.

The subscribers will have a chance to watch BeeTV everywhere, downloading the mobile app for iOS or Android systems. The app now offers rich video menu, opportunities for purchase of TV channels, up to 7 days catch-up, TV programs reminders and so on. All the above mentioned is available for Beeline’s present and new subscribers.