16:31 | 16.11.18 | News | 14584
Beeline Armenia participates in Career and Entrepreneurship Support Program within the frames of Global Entrepreneurship Week – GEW events, organized by U.S. Embassy in Armenia.
The event allows companies to present demanded professions, introduce the participants to the skills and knowledge required for candidates applying for jobs at their companies.
“We live in a world of rapid changes, and the situation in labor market can also change in a matter of months. Taking into consideration this circumstance, we advise everyone to attentively follow the development trends, consistently engage in self-education and improvement of skills to be competitive and get good employment opportunities in the market,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.
Within the frames of the event, entrepreneurship and professional workshops, as well as trainings for job seekers will be organized on how to write CVs according to profession, how to prepare for job interviews. Career and Entrepreneurship Fair will also be organized.