11:10 | 12.09.18 | News | 9334

Armenian young people from Georgia visit VivaCell-MTS

VivaCell-MTS recently welcomed in its headquarters students from the high school in the village of Norshen of Javakhq.

The young people interested in the specifics of various industries have gained important knowledge about the sphere of telecommunications. They got acquainted with VivaCell-MTS business history, the starting steps it took, the specifics of the model of responsible management, advantages of the value system adopted by the Company, the innovative solutions offered to the consumer, and many more topics.

During the meeting with VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian the guests learned about both the marketing strategies of the Company in promoting innovations as well as the technologies continuously invested for that. The meeting concluded with an interactive discussion.

“There are various models of management. Companies are free to choose theirs, but any successful model has at its core responsible approaches, flexibility and healthy competition in the market, ability to analyze the everyday demands of consumers, as well as the readiness to come up with offers. The requirements are not limited to this, though. These things shall be part of a system of values built on respect,” Ralph Yirikian said.

The initiators of the meeting believe the knowledge gained by the schoolchildren is crucial in terms of helping to make an informed choice of future path in life.