07:30 | 22.11.12 | News
ArmenTel and VTB Bank (Armenia) offer people in regions to purchase smartphones and tablets on loan
06:04 | 14.11.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS Career Development Program presented at Education and Career EXPO 2012
04:24 | 28.09.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS opens computer lab at University of Economics Yeghegnadzor branch
15:41 | 28.08.12 | News
Those who buy a modem from VivaCell-MTS service centers will get a chance to win “Chevrolet Camaro”
17:36 | 03.07.12 | News
17:54 | 29.02.12 | News
Free courses for enhancing computer literacy of teachers start in Armenian rural regions
11:26 | 30.12.11 | News
VivaCell-MTS offers a wide portfolio of Apple iPad and iPod devices, netbooks and notebooks