10:20 | 31.03.15 | Articles | exclusive 5304

Movie Trip: Which are the favorite places of your favorite films?

Movie Trip website created by Armenian experts grants travelers and movie-freaks an opportunity to find information regarding places featured in famous films.

The information includes the address of the place, map, film frames, quotes and description of the view.

The founders of the Movie trip are Mher Sargsyan, Artavazd Yeghiazaryan and Ashot Gasparyan. Sargis Antonyan is the Art-Director.

“The website presently contains information concerning 300 places. Our team is currently developing the database, nevertheless, in the future, all our users will have such an opportunity,” Artavazd Yeghiazaryan told Itel.am.

He noted that the idea of the website occurred to him when he realized that people, including him, are interested in visiting the places mentioned in their favorite films.

“We love visiting places associated with movies. They seem to be a bridge linking the real and imaginary worlds. Thus, we should prompt people how they can find the places where their favorite movies were shot. For instance, according to statistics, over 1 million people visited the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland once the “The Da Vinci Code” was screened,” noted Artavazd Yeghiazaryan.

According to him, if the movie was shot in the film studio but relates to a real place, then the website mentions the address of the real place.

The website co-founder informed that their platform will soon contain information on places associated with Armenian movies.

In addition, a mobile app will be developed in the near future. The Beta version of Android will be unveiled in around three weeks.

It should be noted that Movie Trip was named winner at Gyumri Matching Grants on March 23-24.

Narine Daneghyan