09:30 | 30.03.18 | News | 13927

    Beeline to refund subscribers’ money lost to fraud

    Beeline has announced that the company will refund the money subscribers lost to the recent international calls fraud.

    The compensation will concern all subscribers who received calls from international numbers on March 23 and 24 and lost money by calling back.

    “Beeline attaches importance to subscriber security. We do everything possible to protect the interests of our clients, but we cannot prevent this type of fraud as we would have to limit the capacity of making international calls. To take care of our subscribers, we have decided to take the blow and refund the lost money. I advise once again to be careful and avoid calling unfamiliar numbers,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    In order to avoid similar problems, the company recommends customers to avoid calling unknown numbers.