09:55 | 08.02.18 | News | exclusive 23004
On February 5 Science and Technology Angels Network (STAN), created by the initiative of the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST), started its operation in Armenia. This initiative unites 18 investors and entrepreneurs of Armenian descent from Armenia and other countries.
Among Co-chairs of STAN is Vice-President of Oracle and founder of a number of startups Igor Khalatian, who climbed Mount Everest in 2002.
Mediamax talked to Igor Khalatian on STAN and prospects of IT development in Armenia.
“Our goal is to become “a pipeline to success”, find the best ideas and develop them further so that Armenia becomes a known destination for IT and science. I believe that Armenians have a great talent in this area. For example, why Armenians play chess so well? It’s hard to explain but there is something in the brain, which makes them best chess players. Similarly, Armenians definitely have a talent in tech area. I see great potential here. That’s why it makes sense to create this structure and support them”, Igor Khalatian said.
“We are looking for early stage companies. Something that is not just an idea but an idea on which you have started working, probably you have a prototype, proof of concept. The companies which already have customers and have established are probably more interested in VC funding versus angels funding”, he noted.
Read Igor Khalatian’s full interview here.