13:34 | 15.12.17 | News | 21434

Rostelecom supports implementation of YSU students’ project

Rostelecom supported a group of students from Faculty of Economics and Management of Yerevan State University in implementation of their project, aimed at strengthening theatre-youth ties.

Jointly with State Chamber Theatre of Yerevan, students of YSU introduced “The specifics of marketing in theatre” project.

“The students covered today a number of sensitive issues relating the role of culture as inseparable part of our life and role of theatre in youth’s life. I think that now more than ever we need to introduce the real situation in the sector and present the youth’s analysis of current issues. Students attach special importance to this project, which is evident from the innovative and interesting solutions that they have proposed, as well as the successful advertising campaign, which they conducted within their university. Our company implements a number of projects for the youth and many of them have already received job offers. I am glad to be able to support the youth in implementation of their project, being convinced that these young people will have great achievements and success in the future,” Rostelecom Armenia CEO Hayk Faramazyan said.