17:30 | 27.11.17 | News | 19698

VivaCell-MTS provides outdoor lighting system in Tashir town

The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) with its general partner VivaCell-MTS continue the activities aimed at the development and activation of community life.

In the frames of jointly implemented Alternative Energy project 80 LED lights were installed in all the adjacent streets of the central park of Tashir town of Lori region. More than 2.5 km long territory has been illuminated owing to the new infrastructures of outdoor lightening.

The use of advanced technologies to preserve the nature and environment, also contributes to energy efficiency and community development. The introduction of energy efficient outdoor illumination system is aimed to save the financial resources of the community and activate regional life. The benefits of the project will be more visible in a long term perspective.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, the FPWC founder Ruben Khachatryan, the mayor of Tashir Edgar Arshakyan and town residents took part in the launching ceremony of the illumination system.

“To solve the problems, one should not be afraid to see them. Otherwise, they will remain and the society will begin to adapt instead of seeking for the development. As a nation known for its diligence, we must reject that approach and realize that we are creating the world, in which we want to live. It refers both to people around us and the environment. Anyone can change it. Let the steps for this change be small but confident. This is the basis of this partnership. I am glad that thanks to this program we will be seeing a long-term result in a number of villages in remote regions,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

The use of environment friendly and energy efficient LED lights is economically beneficial for the community with modest financial resources. The use of such a system will reduce the energy consumption for 80%.

The streets of the village will be illuminated from 20:00 till 00:00 in summer, and from 18:00 till 23:00 in winter. During holidays illumination will be provided for the whole night.