13:32 | 08.11.17 | News | 20947

VivaCell-MTS supports nature conservation in Armenia

The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) continues its work aimed at nature conservation of Armenia with a proven record of success being a result of restless efforts, successfully implemented programs and purposeful partnership with FPWC’s general partner - VivaCell-MTS that significantly contributes to making these programs happen.

The only purpose of this partnership is to preserve the richness of Armenia’s unique nature for the next generations through a buffer zone for the country’s major Khosrov Forest State Reserve, as well as to provide the sustainable economic development of Armenian communities by involving them directly into nature conservation initiatives.

After years of efforts, the partners have managed to turn a challenging project into a visible reality: it started on 400 ha communal arid land that has slowly expanded into a privately-protected area with a record of significant increase of rare wildlife sightings. Not only through the involvement of international organizations and reputable experts, but also with active participation of the Urtsadzor villagers, had it become possible to turn the project into reality.

The adjacent to protected area village Urtsadzor is one of the 20 villages, where the streets were equipped with environmentally friendly and energy-efficient LED lighting owing to the effective cooperation of partners.

The Caucasus Wildlife Refuge that now already encompasses 20,000 ha was established in 2010, and its achievements grow every year. Aside from being a privately protected area, the CWR also serves as a unique hub for innovations.

As a result of targeted work and accurate planning, over years FPWC has constructed a ranger campus serving to environmental science, a nursery for growing local tree species, a wildlife rescue center and breeding aviary, a veterinary clinic, as well as an eco-center aimed at environmental education of schoolchildren, trainings of locals and development of eco-tourism in the region.

At the moment the FPWC’s focus is targeted on rescuing red-listed brown bears illegally held in captivity all over Armenia for the purpose of which a Bear Rescue and Rehab Center along with a quarantine station has been constructed in CWR area.