16:28 | 30.10.17 | News | exclusive 16527

Go Native 2017 tech conference to be held in Yerevan

Go Native 2017 tech conference will be held on November 11, Yerevan. The main topics will be mobile, web, front-end and back-end programming.

One of the organizers of the event Davit Siradeghyan mentioned in an interview to Itel.am that the idea of the conference came 2 years ago.

“I have always followed similar conferences held abroad. I learned a lot of things and understood that Armenia lacked this level of events. We have a number of great programmers here, but we do not share knowledge and experience with each other in this format. Developer Meetups, held in Armenia sometimes, were not regulated with about 2 speakers involved. I participated in a tech conference in Berlin this year, and decided that you did not have to sit and wait until someone organized an event like that one in Armenia. I held an online social survey to understand to what extent the Armenian public was interested. The survey showed that the demand is high,” he remarked.

According to Davit Siradeghyan, the free-of-charge tickets for the conference were distributed in 2 days.

“The demand was so high that instead of 100 expected participants we will host 280.”

The details of Go Native 2017 are available here.