17:09 | 22.09.17 | News | 18724

VivaCell-MTS supports construction of a house in Bazmaberd village

Thanks to VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing, the Manukyan family of Bazmaberd village in Aragatsotn region will have better living conditions.

The Manukyans hosted the heads of the cooperating parties, the employees and the students, who joined the volunteers for first time, under the roof of their new house still under construction. The students, who have been acquainted with VivaCell-MTS business activities owing to different programs, have discovered what the Company's value system implies, by joining the concreting of sidewalks in the territory adjacent to the house.

The Manukyans, a family of 15, have lived in the paternal house of Hrach, the family’s father. Later, due to Hrach’s military service, the latter and his family moved into a rented house. The house construction has inspired the homeowners; they consider that the-before-existing-problems have been overcome.

“Living in a large family has its difficulties: with lacking household amenities and small space, problems get even more complicated. My husband’s parents, his sister with her four children, his brother’s family, and his younger brother, everyone has been doing their best to help build this home, but that was not enough. Without your support, we could hardly have a home in the near future. It was an unexpected happiness for us. The help of people, who are so close, despite being strangers to us, brought us a few steps closer to the housewarming,” said the mother of the family, Anna.

“Nobody shall be doomed to living in need with unfulfilled dreams. We deserve respect and prosperity as a nation. Success will be there when we unite our forces and understand this. Expressions of volunteerism are part of the program success. It rejects indifference and awakens in people faith in one’s own abilities and willingness to overcome hardships. I am sure the generation of our future understands the mission of volunteerism. The readiness to work along with us today is its clear proof,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Each time, working shoulder to shoulder with a family, we not only facilitate finishing the construction as soon as possible, but also help the family, the community to feel that they are not alone on their way of overcoming the difficulties. The idea of unity brings people together and makes them help those who are less fortunate. The family working day and night, squeezing bread out of stone, deserves to raise their children in decent housing conditions,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

Owing to the partnership between VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, only in Aragatsotn region, the housing problem of 21 families has been solved. The program has become a chance for happiness for 150 beneficiary families in all regions of Armenia restoring optimism and hope for a better future.

For the implementation of the housing project, VivaCell-MTS has already invested AMD 25mln in 2017.