Hayk Yesayan
14:28 | 03.04.17 | News | 15518
On April 1st Shirakatsi Lycee launched «Shirakatsi Days» festival, which marks with the individual projects presentation by tenth graders.
During the Festival Opening Ceremony the scholarship certificates were handed over to the students studying in Diploma program. For one year the tenth graders have choosen, studied, and explored a topic, which was important and dear for them, met their own interests, and enabled innovation within the scope of that topic.
The individual project is the final research work performed by MYP graduates as well as a base for all other activities they still have to perform later in Lycee or any higher educational institution. The presentation of the individual projects was also marked by another important news: the Lycee established scholarships for the Diploma program students, the highest of which is sponsored by Ucom.
When handing the 100% scholarship certificate to Armine Karapetyan, Hayk Yesayan, the Director General at Ucom, stressed: “For Ucom within the frames of its corporate social responsibility stands out due to its investments into the educational projects, we couldn't remain impratial in regards to this event. By handing this 100% scholarship certificate to Armine Karapetyan we once again want to emphasize that regardless of the financial possibilities of the child's parents and relatives, as well as the place of their residence, being smart, showing good performance and knowledge, having desire for education and perseverance, - are all rewarding. That is a good base for entering a big world and a perfect opportunity to be useful to that world.”
After the tenth grade, the Lycee students face a very important decision: to choose further education in accordance with the national curriculum, or dare «crossing streak» to continue education as per Diploma program.
«And before that very important step we, the Lycee administration, encourage them to be bold and make the decisive step, being guided not by money, but knowledge and self-confidence for the rest of their lives. So far, only those students had the possibility to study in Diploma program, who were able to pay for their tuition, but now with the availability of scholarships, it became possible for the children, who lack finances, but have great potential and desire to get education of an international level », - said the High School Director Zaruhi Ghaltakhchyan.