15:20 | 28.03.17 | News | 18310
768 websites on .am domain have already been attached to Cloudflare network of web protection and caching, which opened a data center in Yerevan yesterday.
The newest Cloudflare deployment in Yerevan, which was organized by Ucom’s initiative, will make 6 million internet properties faster and more secure.
Ucom Director General Hayk Yesayan told the press today that the latency (ms) decreased 6 times for Ucom internet users thanks to the new Cloudflare data center.
“Cooperation with Cloudflare became possible as we are the largest regional channels operator. Cloudflare provides a faster and safer access to internet for our subscribers. I believe it’s also an opportunity for the neighboring countries that use our common network. Armenia is the second state among post-Soviet states that could reach success after long-lasting negotiations, by finally deploying this data center. So far in the post-Soviet space such kind of data center has been deployed only in Moscow,” Hayk Yesayan said.
IT auditor Ruben Muradyan noted in his turn that the deployment in Yerevan is Cloudflare’s 37th data center in Asia and 103rd data center globally.
“There is no other Cloudflare cache in our region, and that inspires hope that our subscribers in other countries of the region will join our Cloudflare cache and use the services. Thus, the subscribers get improved connection, and the website owners get security and fast operation,” Ruben Muradyan concluded.
Earlier, Itel.am discussed this topic with CYBER GATES CEO Samvel Gevorgyan.