18:25 | 22.03.17 | News | 14772

VivaCell-MTS helps solve housing problem for 6 families in Kotayk region

The housing project financed by VivaCell-MTS and implemented by “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia has solved an important problem in 5 years seeking to improve the life quality of vulnerable families and to contribute to the poverty reduction in the country. From this perspective, the project has a strategic importance for the development of our country.

The partnering organizations paid a regular visit to Kotayk region. Three families celebrated housewarming in Geghashen and Kamaris communities: construction of one half-built house has been completed, and two houses have been renovated. Altogether, six families have benefited from the housing project in Kotayk region.

The positive impact of the project is seen in its results - in 5 years 135 families, 677 people, were provided with decent housing conditions. Over AMD 333 mln. has been invested by VivaCell-MTS for the implementation of the project.

The most important aspect of the project, the moral and psychological one, is the establishment of trust in the future of the country.  One of the main reasons for emigration is the inability to create a better standard of living in one's own country. When the psychological problem is overcome, the family prefers to stay and live in their Homeland. The evaluation of the project has shown that none of the families assisted through the project emigrated from Armenia.
The decent housing conditions also help the families to change their lifestyle and to provide a more secure environment for raising their children.

''More than 15 years we have been dreaming of having our home. Today our happiness is doubled as we welcome in our home those people who have made our happiness possible,'' said the mother of Vardanyan family Kristine.

“Let’s try to assess this program together. If we manage to solve the problems of just one person, make his belief stronger, and see his decision to stay in the homeland, then we can say with confidence that this program is important and justified. We share everyone’s happiness. We are proud that our strategy has results and encourages society, our employees and other organizations operating in our country. For more than 11 years we have been guided by this principle and strive to stay committed,” says VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“In addition to the strategic importance of the project towards family preservence, poverty and emigration reduction, this partnership also has praiseworthy impact on community development. Throughout the whole period of the five-year-partnership, VivaCell-MTS has never limited its assistance to financial investment; through the highest sense of corporate social responsibility VivaCell-MTS regularly participates in the construction of the houses,” said ‘Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.