16:28 | 19.12.16 | News | 16759

    Beeline announces the launch of Generation Z program

    Beeline announces the launch of Generation Z program for high school and university students.

    Within the frames of this program, the company will offer 4-hour working day and monthly salary.

    Overall, students from 5 schools and 5 universities of the Republic will be involved in the program.

    “Generation Z is in line with our Make your Mark global strategy, which gives young people the opportunity to change their lives for the better, investing their own efforts. Future participants will be able to get acquainted with business approaches and principles in working environment, which will allow them to apply their knowledge in practice, as well as work with the leading specialists of the field. This is a great opportunity for us, as an innovative company, to fill the ranks of our employees with talented and committed young people. Owing to this program, we combine technologies, our experience and knowledge to help young people overcome difficulties and build their future in the right way,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.
    Generation Z program will kick off in the beginning of 2017.