10:14 | 02.12.16 | Interviews | exclusive 29447

    Arman Atoyan: “We should promote introduction of AR/VR solutions in Armenia”

    Today experts are certainthat in 10 years the volume of augmented and virtual reality technologies (AR/VR) will reach USD 200 billion, which makes us call them “technologies of the future”.

    Augmented and virtual reality technologies are already visible in the business, industry, science, medicine, education, art, as well as recreation and games sectors.

    Itel.am talked with Arloopa CEO and founder ArmanAtoyan about specifics and current developments of this sphere in Armenia.

    - This tech direction is new for Armenia. How can it contribute to the country’s development?

    - It’s new not only for Armenia. Augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) are just starting to get attention and significance as a technological and economic development direction in all countries.

    The “start” is now for everyone, and if Armenia manages to invest serious expert potential, bold ideas and projects at the very beginning of this process, it will be very probable that we’ll be able to gain notable progress.

    According to Digi Capital projection, the profit from augmented reality technologies will reach USD 130 billion in 2020 and that from virtual reality – USD 30 billion. This indicator made USD 4.25 billion in 2015.

    For the start, we can display and prove in all economy sectors of Armenia that “technologies of the future” are an integral part of business solutions, process managements and modern lifestyle, without which we cannot image our existence.

    Traditional spheres of IT industry have already exhausted their potential for development, becoming an integral part of daily life of the planet. Introduction of augmented and virtual realitytechnologies goes the same way as introduction of the internet or computers to global IT sector decades ago. Given all that, we need to promote immediate introduction of virtual realitytechnologies in Armenia’s business community, technical universities, and economy.

    Everything is happening “now”, and Armenia shouldn’t be late. Global market has huge investment resources, and their owners are looking for countries and companies where they are ready to invest and get progressive developmenttechnologies as a result. For instance, HTC announced recently they allocated USD 1.2 billion to China’s IT sector.

    By developing and promoting AR/VR direction on the state level, Armenian government can get the trump card that will allow us to anticipate and receive large investments from private companies and investors.

    - Do you have suggestions on the development of AR/VR sphere in Armenia?

    -Yes. We anticipate support from the government to open AR/VR laboratories at universities, substantiating the importance of innovative technologies, development perspective and high demand for the acquirement of new knowledge and skills. We are also ready to provide consultation on those issues.  

    We suggest the Armenian government or relevant universities to provide appropriate areas for the invited international companies to establish such laboratories.  The buildings of universities or technology centers in Yerevan, as well as Gyumri, Vanadzor and other marzes can be used, so that startups can have a free area at least for a year. In our turn,we and other companies will provide the mentors and teaching programs.

    We can take the experience of American University of Armenia as an example, where AR/VR laboratory was established; an area was provided with the necessary equipment. By the way, the university offered us cooperation.

    We are ready to provide support for chairs of universities and help the students write their final diploma work on AR/VR technologies, as well as acquire work and research experience at our or other companies. This will motivate the successful students to found startups to be able to implement the objectives of their diploma works.  

    On the initiative of the government, we will be able to establish connection with some of world-famous companies in AR/VR sphere (for instance, Microsoft, Samsung, HTC, Intel) and introduce them to Armenia as a country committed to implementation of new technologies, where AR/VR content, apps and solutions are currently being developed, aimed at the development, incorporation and implementation of this direction within the country. If AR/VR laboratories operate at universities by the time these companies apply, we will be able to position Armenia as a perspective destination of developed AR/VR technologies, where general basis is provided for investments and, as a result, for creation of innovation value.

    We are also ready to support the government with the acceleration support of our company to promote creation of startups, which will aim at the development of AR/VR technologies and focus on the software support, development of content, mobile apps and solutions in the given sector.

    Initiative groups and startups will be chosen from the laboratories of universities, which will support focusing on the directions of AR/VR content.

    Narine Daneghyan talked to Arman Atoyan