10:00 | 03.10.16 | News | 16795

The Alternative Energy Project in Gugarq children camp

The Foundation for Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) and VivaCell-MTS have summed up the results of the serial joint program implemented within the framework of “The Alternative Energy Project”.

A solar water heater was installed in "Gugarq" children and youth camp of Lori region.

“Children and youngsters have to be familiarized with technologies used for the environmental preservation; they have to know the importance and the usefulness those technologies bring. Besides instilling careful attitude toward the nature, it will also prompt them that solutions in whatever sphere of activities require more responsible, innovative and alternative ways, which are based on both one’s own interest and the care for the well-being of the environment,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

The use of the supply system in the kitchen of the camp will provide hot water supply throughout the year, exclusively due to the solar water heater.

More than 1000 pupils attend the "Gugarq" children and youth camp each year.