12:34 | 10.05.16 | News | 4327

Ucom supports 2500 people get free ophthalmological service

2500 people got free ophthalmological service within “Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes” organized by Armenian Eye Care Project (AECP) and Ucom.
According to Ucom, 2500 people underwent ophthalmological examinations in Masis, Artashat districts in Ararat marz.
“As a company and as Armenians, we are always ready to support such an important cause. I think this is a selfless act. This is a very bright project that inspires hope and faith. This project has a proper name, “Bringing Sight to Armenian Eyes”. But this is just the beginning, several other marzes are yet to come, still many people will retrieve their eyesight”, Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan said.
The ophthalmological examinations will continue until the end of May in Ararat marz, then the project will continue in Vayots Dzor.