08:38 | 05.05.16 | News | 4734

Ucom is awarded “Top Employer”

Ucom partook recently in the “Best experience in HR management” research organized and realized by Top Employers Institute headquartered in Amsterdam.

The conditions Ucom offers its employees were estimated based on 9 criteria:

1.    Strategy for management of employees with big potential,
2.    HR planning,
3.    Hiring process,
4.    Training and professional development,
5.    Productivity management,
6.    Leadership,
7.    Management of career and professional progress,
8.    Salaries and benefits,
9.    Culture.

“I can proudly say that our company is the only one in Armenia to be awarded “Top Employer 2016”. This certification reflects the professionalism of our staff. The experience we gained through the years and the heritage of Orange Armenia make the basis to consider out company the best employer by the international standards,” noted Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan.