13:10 | 02.05.16 | News | 5854

Ucom supports foundation of the first QR library in Armenia

The first QR library built with modern technologies has been launched in Armenia.

The cylindrical library of 1 m in diameter and 260 cm height is a spinning construction that displays digital copies present in the electronic library of Armenian State University of Economics, with according QR codes.

Students can download PDF versions of books through the QR reader app designed for smartphones on their phones or other devices and learn what they need anywhere comfortable instead of spending hours in the library. Moreover, QR library contains such educational material and guidelines that are often very hard to find in an ordinary library.

“It’s very important to keep up with the times in this digital age. Young people nowadays need new ideas and we, supporting those ideas, should promote education and development of our youth,” noted Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan.

Apart from building the library, Ucom also provided Wi-Fi coverage on the territory of Armenian State University of Economics.