12:39 | 29.04.16 | News | 4449

    Beeline to help found a national PR prize in Armenia

    Armenian PR Association scientific-informational NGO with the help of Beeline will found the first national PR prize in Armenia.

    The award aims to systematize the best public relations projects in Armenia, as well as duly appreciate PR specialists, promoting the forming and development of PR culture in Armenia.

    “Being the leader of the largest communication company in the country, I often ascertained in my own experience that to achieve success you have to make right decisions and choose right models in communication. Seeing the importance of the fact that the role of public relations is gradually growing and good professional are becoming more required and appreciated, I’m happy that Beeline is the company to support this industry,” noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    Beeline Armenia is the main sponsor of Armenian PR prize.