12:32 | 20.04.16 | News | 4767

VivaCell-MTS supports new phase of Housing project

The heads of VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia summed up the results of the 2015 housing project in Aragatsotn region.

During the year of 2015, 10 families completed the construction of their half-built houses or did renovation works in this region. The heads of the partnering organizations visited Melikgyugh community where 3 families have been assisted through the housing project - a house was purchased and renovated, construction of another family's half-built house was completed, the roof of another family's house was replaced and the bearing walls were also fortified.

Vardanyan family of 8 has lived in a metal container for 27 years; the metal walls of which were unbearably cold in winter and hot like oven in summer. In this metal container were born and raised their 6 children. Now, the Vardanyans live in housing conditions that cannot even be compared with the former one.

''It is said hope dies last but believe me my family has even lost the hope that a miracle will happen one day and we will have a home. Having lived without basic housing conditions for more than a quarter of a century, we have put up with this sad situation. But miracles exist and the story of our family is a proof of it. God bless everybody who helps the homeless become a homeowner,'' said Susambar, the family mother.

“It is the humanism inherent in all Armenians, the readiness to support each other, to extend a helping hand that I value and admire most. We should cherish these characteristics. The housing program is a vivid proof of my words: last year 40 families acquired not only new houses, but also good friends. In the frames of the program implemented by VivaCell-MTS and “Fuller Center for Housing”, the employees of the partnering organizations also participated in the construction works in the regions of Armenia. This year we have planned to include 40 more families in the housing project providing AMD105 mln to this end,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

''It is noteworthy that  2015 housing project is summed up in the house of this family. Out of the 40 families this family has been living in the most desperate conditions and now the contrast is more than obvious. It is joyful to see the transformation in the life of the family,'' said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

Since 2007, VivaCell-MTS has contributed AMD 228.3 million for the basic reconstruction or renovation of houses thus improving the life quality of 480 people with social needs in 10 regions of the country, including 31 villages, of which 10 are borderland villages.