09:37 | 28.12.15 | News | 8412
This New Year will have different shades of colours for 40 families owing to the partnership between VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia.
The lives of 219 people have irreversibly changed to the better; 40 families have completeed the construction of their half-built houses or renovated the roof, and will meet the New Year in decent housing conditions.
VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia president Ashot Yeghiazaryan visited the Hayrapetyan family in Pokr Vedi village of Ararat region, where the heads of the companies had been doing concreting works with volunteers a few months ago.
''We are all here in Pokr Vedi, on the New Year Eve, to sum up the year 2015 and to share the joy of home blessing with Hayrapetyan family, whom we helped built the house of their own. For this nice family, as well as other 40 families, 219 people overall, who benefited from the house building project this year, the new year embodies a real new beginning,'' said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.
“We are happy and proud to say that this year it was possible to realize the long awaited dream of many families. It is joyful that the Pre New Year's spirit will be combined with the feeling of hearth warmth; and that house is worth to be called a home,'' said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.
To remind, this year VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 100 million for the housing project (AMD 55 million was invested in 2014), and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has undertaken the implementation of the project. Through this partnership, from 2007 till the end of 2015, the number of the families having their houses renovated or the construction of the half-built houses completed will reach 93.