17:43 | 01.12.15 | News | 7139

VivaCell-MTS supports housewarming in Kakavadzor village

This year, owing to the partnership between VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia 40 families have already finished the construction of their half-built houses or renovated their houses. Manukyan family from Kakavadzor village of Aragatsotn region is one of those happy families who already have a a safe roof and decent conditions after many years of awaiting.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia president Ashot Yeghiazaryan visited the Manukyans to participate in the housewarming celebration and to share  the family happiness.

The young family started the construction of the house four years ago but couldn’t finish it. The family had lived in the paternal house, 11 people under a roof, later  they  moved to the dark basement room of the half-built house. For the five-year-old Sirusho and the seven-year-old Hayk there is no greater happiness than the feeling of being the homeowners of  the big and beautiful house.

“Nothing can compare to the happiness of the family seeing its new and long-cherished dream come true. It is with great excitement that we take part in this project, that brings so much joy and happiness into families. For them, new house is a fulfillment and yet a new beginning, another reason to stay attached to their native land, paving a way for new dreams for the future,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

“You can’t imagine how happy our family is. The fact that my children will have a healthy environment and an opportunity to live with dignity can't be compared to anything else...  My gratitude is endless,” shared the young family mother, Julieta.

‘’Life is full of difficulties and impediments. For a young hardworking family it is important to feel the assistance and the support, that helps the family succeed in life and become stronger and more stable,’’ Fuller Center for Housing Armenia president Ashot Yeghiazaryan said.

To remind, this year VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 100 million for the housing project (AMD 55 million was invested in 2014), and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has undertaken the implementation of the project. Through this partnership, from 2007 till the end of 2015, the number of the families having their houses renovated or the construction of the half-built houses completed will reach 93.