14:10 | 26.11.15 | News | 4654

Orange Armenia employees volunteering in Zangakatun village

Another “Volunteering week” initiated by Orange Armenia came to an end.

This time Orange Armenia employees have devoted their time and efforts to supporting the population of Zangakatun border village. The voluntary works launched on November 3 come to replenish “One Village” large-scale project implemented in Zangakatun village with the financial support of Orange Armenia. 

Since the beginning of the month, Orange Armenia employees have already conducted 10 training sessions for Zangakatun village schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, sharing with them their computer skills and knowledge of safe internet use. Also, a special class dedicated to safety rules during emergency situations and natural disasters   has been organized for the teaching staff. A total of 58 children and 47 adults participated in the classes. The volunteers have also participated in the renovation works of dried apples plant adjunct to the agricultural cooperative established in Zangakatun in the scope of “One Village” project.

“It’s highly important to us to provide an opportunity to our staff to have their own contribution to social projects implemented by the company. We are proud of our employees, who are ready to devote their time and energy to these projects, to share their own experience and knowledge,” said AleksandrYesayan, General Director of Orange Armenia. 

During the activity of the company the volunteer projects implemented by Orange Armenia employees have been many, among them reading for children with visual impairments, tree plantings, holding safe internet classes for schoolchildren and their parents in Yerevan and regions every year and others.