16:38 | 11.11.15 | News | 4509

Beeline Child Development Corners open at Vayots Dzor

Jointly with Child Development Foundation, Beeline opened Beeline Child Development Corners at N2 basic school in Yeghegnadzor town of Vayots Dzor marz and N1 kindergarten in Vayk.

The Corners opened within Knowledge for Prosperity program aiming to boost inclusive education development in Armenian marzes and Yerevan.

Within the program, inclusive education specialists took high-quality trainings and consultations. The opened centers were equipped with special development games and literature, and children were given special toys by the Child Development Foundation.

“Beeline hails and attaches importance to the programs which help children and young people to change their lives for the better. Conditions for education and development should be equal for every child but we should be a bit more attentive to children with special needs. Ensuring relevant educational conditions and enhancing the quality of inclusive education are key in terms of developing their mental potential”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

Beeline has been cooperating with Child Development Foundation since 2011.