16:39 | 09.11.15 | News | 4288

Beeline organizes a trip to Communications Museum for schoolchildren

10th and 11th grade pupils of Yerevan 112 high school have today visited Beeline Communications Museum and Beeline University.

The company has organized a business training on ''Working in a Corporation by Beeline Model'' for them.

Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin welcomed the young guests who visited the company.

''Realizing such an exclusive opportunity to boost your careers, Beeline pays special attention to such events. Today, you got acquainted with the leading communication operator's work in practice and discovered many peculiarities of its operation. I am sure your skills will be Beeline's another investment in your future career'', he said.

Beeline Communications Museum is open every Monday through Friday at 10:00-16:00. The entrance is free.