11:05 | 10.08.15 | News | 3840

    VivaCell-MTS localised 911/112 numbers in Kotayk region

    VivaCell-MTS subscribers in Kotayk region can reach the Emergency Situations Service local offices dialing 911/112.

    In the past, when contacting the 911, the residents would reach the Call Center of the Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency and Territorial Administration in Yerevan, which handled the call by instructing the local office to take appropriate action.

    Not long ago VivaCell-MTS had made this service available for its subscribers living in Arargatsotn, Vayots Dzor, Lori, Ararat, Shirak, Gegharquninq, Syuniq, Tavush and Armavir regions.

    The joint project implemented by VivaCell-MTS and the Ministry of Emergency and Territorial Administration is accomplished with Kotayk region. Due to the realized works now in all regions all calls received from mobile devices will be redirected to the local office of the Emergency Situations Service. The innovation is aimed at shortening the response time of the rescue service in emergency situations.