10:35 | 10.07.15 | Articles | exclusive 4205

HomeMaster: Searching for masters online

Recently launched HomeMaster online system enables to look for and find masters of various professions to resolve household problems.

The system was developed by the team of Macadamian company. Presently the number of masters registered in the system reaches around 160.

Web Developer at Macadamian Arevik Harutyunyan told Itel.am that the system was developed within 10 months with the involvement of various experts at Macadamian, among them designers, developers, quality assurance experts and software architects.

“Every year our company holds professional courses for students. They consist of theoretical and practical works. Last year the students were assigned to work on HomeMaster system. The system “won” the love of both the students and the company’s employees from the very first day. After a while, a number of skilled employees also joined the project,” she said.
According to Arevik Harutyunyan, HomeMaster was initially designed as a single and separate website, however, the project was later refined and modified by the company’s specialists.

According to Arevik Harutyunyan the system’s principal advantage is its interface as it helps users easily find the master they need without any additional steps.

“The masters are required to provide as much information in their profiles as possible. In case of doubts, website moderators check the information,” she noted recalling about the possibility to assess the master.

HomeMaster served as a basis for development of AutoMaster system. It’s currently being tested and will be ready in the near future.

Narine Daneghyan