18:25 | 07.07.15 | News | 5102
The biggest medical information hub in Armenia - the Republican Scientific Medical Library (RSML) now functions in an eco-friendly version.
The garden created with VivaCell-MTS support is an excellent forum for professional discussions, various trainings and reading.
The leading telecommunications operator of Armenia has allocated AMD 2 million for creating a garden on the territory once covered with bare soil and furnishing it with bookcases suited for different weather conditions in order to make the electronic databases available to the public. The eco-library has also received 5 tablets with installed licensed software and medical literature.
“The idea of creating and maintaining green zones is popular all over the world. This location is a perfect educational environment for those who appreciate the true value of health – for doctors. This unique eco-library is also important from environmental point of view. Creating sustainable future is what lies at the heart of such initiatives. The objective of living in a civilized, healthy and educated environment should be achieved through long-term programs. We are where such an attitude exists,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.
The Republican Scientific Medical Library, established 76 years ago, features over half a million items – a selected collection of biomedical literature and informational resources. There are also electronic and printed medical publications: magazines, brochures, CDs and audio anf video materials.
“The open-air library stimulates reading, especially e-reading. The latter is of high importance as the Library mainly provides licensed medical e-books and magazines via the online database of the Springer Link publishing house. The open-air reading room will be a pleasant and motivating environment for reading,” the director of the Republican Scientific Medical Library Anna Shirinyan said.