11:28 | 25.06.15 | Articles | exclusive 120872

    Future of roaming in the Customs Union: A glimpse from Armenia

    Head of Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia Igor Artemev stated on June 11 that the roaming should be cancelled in the Customs Union states.

    Itel.am has sent a request on this matter to the telecommunication operators in Armenia. Below are the responses of VivaCell-MTS, Beeline and Orange Armenia.


    VivaCell-MTS has stressed that as a company operating on the Armenian market, they are not entitled to comment on the decisions of the Public Service Regulatory Commission of another country.

    ''As for the tariffs for roaming services, VivaCell-MTS has not raised them despite the currency fluctuations. It should be noted that roaming tariffs include the tariffs set by roaming partners'', the company noted.

    VivaCell-MTS has also informed that the company offers affordable roaming prices to its subscribers abroad, and besides, it offers ''Call to Armenia'' service which allows calling to Armenia at low tariffs (for instance, 1 minute of incoming call from MTS Russia network to VivaCell-MTS network makes AMD33).


    Beeline has informed that the company is ready to cooperate with regulatory bodies on any issue.

    ''We would like to note that some issues related to cooperation between operators should be settled first of all to enhance service affordability. One of our priorities is also to bring in line the experience of the field and national legislation linked to international calls'', the company notes.

    Beeline added that they periodically lower roaming prices including in the CIS states.

    Orange Armenia

    Orange Armenia abstained from commenting on the statements on roaming tariffs in the EEU member states including Armenia.

    ''We'd like to stress that Orange Armenia takes efforts for Armenian citizens to use the services for affordable prices both in Armenia and broad'', the company said.

    They have informed that it's already several years that they have been offering their customers to make calls to MegaFon and Orange networks, send SMS and use mobile internet at AMD29 within cooperation with MegaFon company.

    ''It should be recalled that we have launched another special offer to make our customers' vacation more comfortable allowing them to use mobile internet and SMS services in all the European countries and the U.S. at only AMD29'', said Orange Armenia.

    Narine Daneghyan