16:07 | 28.04.15 | News | 5113

Beeline and Radio Aurora hold “Stories of our Victories” contest

Along with Radio Aurora 100.7 FM, Beeline announced “Stories of our Victories” contest dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 23rd anniversary of Liberation of Shushi.

The contest winners will receive Beeline Smart phones from Beeline and will have a chance to present their own story during the live broadcast of Radio Aurora on May 9.

In order to take part in the contest, all interested persons should send a story that happened to them or to people they know during the years of the Great Patriotic War or Artsakh Liberation War. The stories should be sent to Aharonyan 2, Yerevan, pr@beeline.am e-mail with “Stories of our Victories” subject or to Beeline Armenia’s official Facebook page by May 7 inclusive.

There will be three winners.

“The victory in the Great Patriotic War and the Liberation of Shushi are two glorious pages of the Armenian history. These victories would never be achieved without the heroism and small and big heroic deeds of which there are stories in the families of each of the participants of the war. I hope the “Stories of our Victories” contest will help us present these two victories in a new light enabling the society and especially the young generation to realize and appreciate anew the value of victory and peace,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

The stories of the contest winners will be published on www.beeline.am official website.

Details regarding “Stories of our Victories” contest are available here.