10:25 | 17.03.15 | News | exclusive 3467

Ask On’Fly app also in Russian

Ask On’Fly app developed by Armenian programmers and enabling to orient in a new environment with the help of nearby people has released an updated version.

The app about which Itel.am spoke around a month ago is already available in Russian.

“Previously, our users could only send questions related to their location, while from now on they can send off topic questions in a separate feed. The question rating is also something new – it allows liking or disliking the answers (if they are not correct) to questions. If a certain answer has too many dislikes, it will be removed,” app co-founder Minas Keshishyan told Itel.am.

In his turn, the other co-founder – Davit Khachatryan – said the user earning rating through “likes,” will have a green label next to their name.

The new version also enables users to open their personal pages and see the previously asked questions.

“Every time we update the app, we learn to work properly in the meantime. Initially, the app lacked the opportunity to ask any question and this restriction made many people remove the app from their devices after downloading it. It resulted in losing a number of users. We are now notifying all current and former users about the update and it increases the download number,” noted Davit Khachatryan.

It should be also recalled that Ask On’Fly also allows seeing the questions asked by other users at your preferred radius. To ask a question, users should sign in the app via their Facebook – once you ask the question the app will specify your exact geographical location.