11:06 | 22.09.14 | News | 4398

Rostelecom sees serious opportunities in Armenia

Rostelecom sees serious prospects of development of its services in Armenia.

Executive Vice President of Rostelecom OJSC Alexander Rogovoy stated this during his meeting with Armenian journalists in Moscow within press tour organized by GNC-ALFA - subsidiary of Rostelecom in Armenia.

“We see very serious prospects of growth as all the telecommunication services we provide in Armenia are in high demand. The package offers we introduce to the market become highly demanded by our subscriber base and we are happy with its growth rates. We consider the option of construction of a data center in Armenia but it’s early to speak about concrete dates”, noted Alexander Rogovoy noted.

He noted that he thinks increase in company’s penetration share in Yerevan and Armenian regions important.

The overall sum of Rostelecom’s investments in Armenia in 2012-2016 will make around USD30mln, said Alexander Rogovoy.

Commenting on the relations with the Armenian regulatory bodies, the company’s Executive Vice President noted that “we have absolutely convenient work conditions and we don’t have any problems”.

Within the press tour, the Armenian journalists visited the head office, Network Management Center, sales and service office of Rostelecom and call-center of E-Government program.

Rostelecom’s federal product, “Interactive TV”, which share on the Russian IP TV market makes 56% (according to iKS-Consulting) was also introduced. Within “Interactive TV”, Rostelecom broadcasts over 200 digital TV channels including 30 channels in HD format.