14:27 | 24.08.14 | News | 2527

The drinking water supply network of Ushi village exploited since 1990s has been replaced

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian has donated AMD 16 million personal funds for the solution of one of the most vital issues of the community – the rehabilitation of the drinking water supply system in the village. Owing to the investment, more than 1600 m-long section of the water main was replaced with a new one giving 650 households access to drinking water.

The drinking water supply network in Ushi was constructed in the remote 1990s. For years, the necessity of replacing the network with a new one could not be turned into a project because of the scarcity in the community budget. The main water pipeline had undergone only partial renovation. The lay of the location and the years left their mark on the pipelines. The water line had decayed and corroded. Excited by the readiness from the side of Ralph Yirikian and the opportunity of constructing a new water supply network, the villagers of Ushi took an active part in the construction works which started at the second half of summer.

By the way, the ancestors of most of the Ushi residents had migrated from the Western Armenia. The villagers that have inherited a rich culture from different provinces of the historical Armenia regard the renovation of the village’s House of Culture as another important acquisition. The building hosts the village administration, cultural center, and library. The post-office is also located there. The ramshackle, that the building resembled previously, has been fully reconstructed. Ralph Yirikian also joined the initiative of an Armenian Canadian Margar Sharapkhanyan and allocated around AMD 12 million for the reconstruction of cultural center.

“Our compatriots, who have settled in Ushi long ago, realize the dream of making their country-their “Yergir”- a thriving place. The village, which is like little Western Armenia, is remarkable for its inhabitants. It is crucial to extend a hand to them. In general, the mutual support is one of the positive features of our national mindset. That’s what helps the Armenians to continue living and keeping the homeland”, said Ralph Yirikian.