13:44 | 17.04.14 | News | 5097

    ArmenTel and SPB TV launch IP TV

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) jointly with SPB TV announced the launch of IP TV service today.

    IPTV basic package costs AMD 3000 monthly and includes 55 local and foreign TV channels.

    “The service is available not only in Yerevan but also each of residents of the regions where Beeline landline network is available. It’s very important for us that residents of even small villages have access to information and content”, said ArmenTel CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    SPB TV CEO Kirill Philippov said that the results of the monitoring conducted by the company indicate that the IPTV market is actively developing.

    “Armenian TV market is one of the most developed in the CIS states. As of assessments for 2013, IPTV segment is the one which is the leader in terms of money turnover in the structure of the market”, said Kirill Philippov.

    SPB TV added that ArmenTel provides to its subscribers a good basic set of TV channels which are popular in Armenia - family, sports and news channels.

    In future, ArmenTel is going to expand the list of the TV channels. “We are going to expand our service giving an opportunity of extra channels. But now our goal is to expand the basic package within the current price”, said Andrey Pyatakhin.

    As of the assessment of ArmenTel CEO, 30% of the company’s subscribers will use the IPTV service in upcoming 1.5 years.

    Andrey Pyatakhin also said that Beeline actively works over the launch of mobile TV in cooperation with SPB TV as well which will be available to subscribers in near future.