15:03 | 28.03.14 | News | 3361

    ArmenTel is all set for MNP launch

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) stated today that it’s all set for the launch of MNP (Mobile Number Portability) service in Armenia.

    “Starting from April 1, 2014, subscribers of other operators can switch to Beeline network preserving both their number and code. In order to do it, all interested subscribers should visit the closest Beeline office and fill in the relevant application. Mobile Number Portability service is free of charge. The process of number portability to Beeline network will be carried out within three working days. Subscribers also have an opportunity to choose the exact portability day in the coming month”, the company’s release states.

    “Easy and comfortable for you” is our motto, which reflects our attitude and care for our customers. We employ this approach in both providing service to our subscribers, and offering the tariffs and services. Beeline offers subscribers to assess the company’s new approach and to take advantage of all the privileges the first and largest telecommunication company in Armenia offers”, noted ArmenTel CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    ArmenTel has created a special section on its website which provides comprehensive information on MNP service.