15:25 | 14.03.14 | News | 3848

    Ucom opens computer classroom in N 157 Yerevan school

    On March 14, Ucom Director Hayk Yesayan and Director of N 157 Yerevan School in Nork-Marash Narine Mirzoyan opened the computer classroom fully repaired and equipped by the company.

    Ucom Director Hayk Yesayan said that the main goal of repairing and equipping the classroom is to give students an opportunity to contribute to Armenia’s development and progress through their knowledge.

    “I hope school teachers will guide the schoolchildren to use the computer classroom for self-development and their motherland’s progress”, Hayk Yesayan stated.

    It’s the 8th classroom repaired and re-equipped by Ucom. Based on the “Agreement Memorandum” signed by Ucom Director Hayk Yesayan and Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan Ucom expressed its willingness to repair 15 computer classrooms of 15 Yerevan schools.