17:22 | 25.12.13 | News | 4067

ArmenTel employees realize New Year wishes of “Nagashyan” center children

With the support of ArmenTel (Beeline trademark), “A Letter to Santa Clause” New Year campaign was held in children's support center "Nagashyan Children's Home”.

Along with ArmenTel CEO Andrey Pyatakhin, the employees raised funds and gave gifts to the children of the center, realizing their wishes about which they wrote in their letters to Santa Clause.

“Only a few days are left for the happiest, brightest and kindest events to start. We will soon celebrate New Year and Christmas in the company of our close and beloved ones. Thanks to our employees, children of “Nagashyan Children's Home” today received the attention of the older generation as well as a piece of the brightest family holiday. We are happy to be able to give children hope and faith in common human kindness and love”, Pyatakhin noted.

It’s not the first charity campaign held by ArmenTel jointly with “Nagashyan” center. Over 2012-2013, the inmates of the children’s home received Beeline broadband Internet. The company helped improve the children home territory as well.