14:05 | 30.10.13 | News | 3833

    ArmenTel associates help improve the community of Lernagog

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) associates joined efforts with the representatives of the administration of the community of Lernagog and "Children of Armenia" Fund to take part in tree planting.

    Within "Oxygen to School" project, benches and garbage bins were installed in the territory of the school in Lernagog village, irrigation system was launched and saplings were planted. 

    The event made part of the global program for environment preservation and improvement of the rural communities of Armavir marz.

    "The main priority of "ArmenTel's" social corporate policy is given to the programs which help people change their lives for the better. Our companies joint project with Children of Armenia Fund is another proof to it. Today, "ArmenTel" associates made all the efforts jointly with the local children, initiators of the project, so as the school graduates could remember it as beautiful and well-attended as we see it now", noted "ArmenTel" CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    In 2013, "ArmenTel" helped improvement of the communities of Lernagog, Karakert and Dalarik in Armavir marz. All the projects for funding were selected as a result of the "Entrepreneurship Training and Practice for the Youth" summer school.